Not just any old patchwork bag mind but one Fluff had seen in a shop , hummed and debated over gone back to buy only to find it had been sold.
So over to me . Now its not too hard to make an item when its in your head and you have very clear ideas on what it should look like but trying to work out what is in someone elses is another matter.
The criteria went along the lines of:
It's sort of patchworky on the front. Right!
It's pink. Well not pink exactly more burgundys. Right!
I'ts corduroy on the back sort of donkey brownish colour. Right!
Needs to have a long strap at least 48" so it can go over your head to wear on shoulder. Right!
Needs to have a gusset 3. 1/2 " wide and front needs to be 15" square. Right!
Can it please have a nice big zipped pocket inside too. Der!
Anything else?. Nop I think thats it!!!

I saw these fairy panels on e-bay and as Faye was always known as Airy Fairy Faye as a child thought they would be ideal for the patchwork front. So having bid for them and got 5 of the 9 fairies on offer I made the front up with cutting 5 , 5" square panels and
4 plain burgundy ones with a 1" square appliquéd to the centre. Sorted!

I used the same burgundy plain material for the lining and included a nice big zipped pocket.

I used the same burgundy plain material for the lining and included a nice big zipped pocket.
Debated over whether to do a covered button or a buckle but went with the buckle idea as it seemed to look right.