Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Whats on my workdesk this very cold Wednesday.

Well this is my workdesk at 4am (gmt)this morning. Now denim and me don't get along where like chalk and cheese so why would I have any on my desk? Thats all I'm saying.
The police are now treating this as crime scene and are looking for a rather diminitive character who appears to be minus his clothing. !! They say they hope to be making an arrest shortly.
Updates will be posted as and when.
If you want to see some of my goodies from last Wednesdays workdesk being put to good use then have a look here. Thankyou to everyone who came and visited and left comments. I managed to get round quite a few people last week.As usual I am posting a link to Julias blog.
so you can see what everyone else is up to this week.
Off to defrost my hands and snap the icicle off my chin.


Annie said...

Is there a little naked elf going round your house? Bless, it's a bit too cold for that.
A x

Sherry said...

How intriguing!! I love the button wheels on the vehicle. A pair of my old jeans need chucking out but I've kept them with recycling in mind, I thought I might make a denim heart or something!

Hope you finish off your items soon to avoid the arrest and more importantly re-clothe that little character!

Zue said...

Hope the police catch him quickly!! Will he be under avvest? (sorry!!)

Sue xx 78

Whimcees said...


I am looking forward to seeing the little character when his clothes are returned! You have been very busy with your creations! Love the little boxes!

Wishing you a sunshine day!


Barbara Diane

Sheila said...

Hope the little person is found soon. It's cold out there!

Do What You Love said...

Mrs. A., how delightful - those denim jeans are super gorgeous. I never worked well with denim (made a purse once). I can't wait to see what this little guy will look like all dressed up! Too cool for words! ;-D

oneoff said...

Hope the little escapee is found soon - it's a bit bracing out there. I do so wish I could sew; that all looks so cute.

(Sorry for the late visit - am full of flu)
Bernie #9

Kirsty.A said...

Oh dear. Snow White will be on the warpath unless the dwarf gets his jeans back!

Nicky said...

My you have a streaker on the loose - best find him and cloth him soon its cold out there ~ thanks for sharing ~ Nicky ~30