So how did Christmas go for you then?
Ours was erm, you could say interesting to say the very least.
Let me explain.
As you may recall The Doc was saving his 'Elijah Craig Bourbon whisky for Christmas evening which he duly did but with the following result.

Ugh. This is cold tea!
which roughly translates as
"Just wait till get my hands on that L'th Elf"
But I digress as this is not the main reason for todays story. We have had much more fun and games than that!
So lets return to Christmas Eve when the downstairs toilet began backing up! Well actually it had begun before then but we have this happen on a regular basis with the main drains out on the through road causing a huge blockage. At first you look at the water level and say to each other does that look higher to you (I know we live such interesting lives) than before. We kept debating it and finally agreed it was time to call up the council but we would wait till after Christmas/Boxing day because if you do call them out and the blockage is on your property You Pay and there was no way were we paying premium call out charges for that period. So to put it succinctly sprouts and prunes were off the menu!!
Fast foward now to yesterday morning and The Doc logged his call with the local council help desk where a very efficient lady pulled up her screens and said " Oh yes I can see your last call out to us and that was a very complicated problem. I will send the team round to you asap."
The two man team arrived and pulled up our manhole cover and agreed that the blockage was on the council's side of the drain. (Phew. No Charge then). The Doc took them along to the next manhole cover( between us and the main road) and still blocked so they set to work with their pumping gear to clear. Several hours later a knock on the door to say that they had flushed 4 tank loads of water through and no success so they would call up for reinforcements. (i.e The Tanker which The Doc over the years has nick named Big Bertha).
Well 'Big Bertha' arrived this morning and pumping really began in earnest. By now we have a major incident on our hands with the main road blocked off and Big Bertha parked up pumping for Britain that is until the Hydraulic Air Hose blew the pipe off the machinery.( At this point in time the Michael Caine film 'The Italian Job' springs to mind.)
This is the same Hydraulic air hose that supplies the brakes to Big Bertha! So now the crew are incapacitated and have to call out the AA/RAC to be fixed. (You couldn't make it up).
3 hrs later and Big Bertha has been fixed and retreated licking her wounds and Big Bertha 2 has now arrived on the scene!!!!!!!!!
Watch this space for further updates.
P.s The Doc is in his element. !!