Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fayes No.22

Fayes 2nd virtual box.
I bought the gift first so then had to make a box to fit which is why this matchbox is more like
2" x 2" x 2"
Now we all know Fluff likes a bit of gloss here and there and just luvvves choklit so what else but a pot of raspberry flavoured chocolate lippy in a cup cake. Simples!!!!!!


Faye said...

Oh hoooooooow coolio is this? Love the box too, Santa is so cute! xxx

Margreet said...

Oh Mrs.'re spoiling Fluffy....but alas....she deserves's beautiful and what a nice Santa!
xxx Margreet

Annie said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and 2011 brings you all you wish for yourself.
A x

Sherry said...

Oooh that really is the cherry on the cake!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm...mind have have to watch her!! If it actually tastes of choklit she may eat it all lol....