Sunday, December 29, 2013

Little Dollies.

I was having a tidy up of my photos for this year and came across these dollies that I made for my Granddaughters'  stocking last year and never showed so here they are better late than never!
Totally made from snippets of wool, material, braid ( from old shop bag handles), thread and stuffing.

Not forgetting  odds of felt and bits of lace.

Have even found some challenges to enter:
Creative Card Crew #52: Anything goes.
Pixies Crafty Workshop #105:  Use up your snippets. (Yes Miss).
Sparkles #51: Anything but a card.


kay said...

They are adorable x

tilly said...

well done they are so pretty, bet they are well loved lol

Catherine said...

These are so so cute Sweetie ! Love their little shoes !!! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

Karen P said...

They are so cute! Wonderful use of snippets too. I bet they loved them x

Jean said...

I love these cute little dollies.
Jean x

Brenda in IN said...

Such sweet little faces and cute little dresses. Using shopping bag handles, how clever. You make the most adorable things.

Margreet said...

What a pretty and cute them!
xxx Margreet

KandA said...

Thes little dollies are gorgous and I bet your grandaughter loves playing with them.
Thanks for the lovely comment on my Dads snowman. He was really chuffed to read it xx

Sarn said...

You are soooo multi-talented Mrs A. These are little cuties.

Happy New Year to you. x

Sandra H said...

Simply Stunning Mrs A what a way to use up snippets they are brill xx

Kathleen said...


Kath x

Greta said...

These are just darling! Bet the girls love them!

Darnell said...

Your talent never ceases to drop my jaw, Mrs. A. And what a wonderful grandmother you are in the bargain!! Happy New Year! Hugs, Darnell

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Oi, oi! You got these past put the House of Fluff quick sharp didn't you!! ;)
I love both these dolls, the colours are lovely xx

Elizabeth said...

These are just so cute - what a great way to use up wee bits and bobs. Bet the girls adore them. Elizabeth xx

Jo said...

Oh they are so sweet and totally adorable, and even better that you made them so are sure to be cherished.
Happy New Year to you & The Doc xx

Zue said...

These are the tops:)
You could make a whole lineage of them, just adorable!

Sherry said...

They are so cute Mrs A, bet your grand daughter loved them. I have a similar one from you (with a button face) which has spent the last 3 weeks hanging from our Christmas tree!

Happy New Year to you both xxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah so precious they are Mrs A., and ma sure tly are dearly loved!

.. you remind me of my grandmother shoe could turn her hand to anything, and was totally waste not want not!!

Every blessing of the LORD for 2014. Thanks for being a blessing in my life. Shaz in Oz.x

Irene said...

Just brilliant Mrs. A.

shaz earl said...

Fabulous project! thank you so much for sharing with us at Sparkles challenges hope you will join us again
Shaz DT x

Rebecca said...

Your dolls are so cute, I love them! Thanks for playing at Sparkles, hope to see you again!
love from Rebecca x