Thursday, December 12, 2013

Those Darn Birds

The Partridge has decided he likes Grapes with pips in.
The Doves have moved up into the loft.
The French Hens have been given a dictionary to learn some English!
The calling birds have found my Skype!!
The geese have taken over the large pond.
The Swans are making a nest with my best jumper.
The Whimps has applied for Asslyum
 a Trailer load of cows have just arrived!!
I need a drink!!!


ann @ studiohyde said...

Good for you. With all that mayhem going on you need it :)

Busy Little Chicken said...

I think you do!! Maybe the trailer load of cows can give you some milk!!! : )

Sandra H said...

Well l hope you got one, two three.....drinks that is your so amusing Mrs A xx

Liz McGuire, said...

Hehe - cheers! What are the pesky pipers getting up to?

Liz x

Karen P said...

Can I come and have a drink with you please? lol! Make mine a large one.
I just can't face it all this year and want to go to bed and stay there until it's all over xx

Createology said...

Calm Chaos is what you describe if this is fiction. Silent Night of Birds Dear...

Kathleen said...

Very, very funny, love it.

Kath x

Zue said...

The calling birds are meant to be colly birds which are blackbirds. (I looked this up as I was doing them on my drawing app, but they are a bit weird. You inspired me to do a piece for the12 days)

Yes, going to a hotel would be a good ploy for next time. I wish you well and hope you feel ok now!
(I hope you know what I am talking about!)
Have a great weekend....
Sue xxxxx

Di said...

Hilarious Mrs A! Stay calm, I'll be round with a cattle truck later on.

Hugs, Di xx

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Umm, yes! X

Jo said...

Hehehe! ;)
Happy Christmas Mrs A xx

Greta said...

Oh you are so funny!