Monday, December 30, 2013

Alcohol Ink Faux Bleach

The challenge over at Dreamtime Designs this month was to make a Christmas project with a Technique I've never used before.
This posed me a problem as there are so many things I want to try out but I finally settled on the  Alcohol Ink Faux Bleach Technique.  I found an excellent Splitcoast Stampers  tutorial for this which you can find here
As usual there are some questions which have to be answered and included in the challenge.
1. Why did you want to try this technique?  I have had a box of Alcohol inks sat in my stash ever since Fluff gave them to me when I first started my blog. Sadly never used and every time I open the draw they are in they plead with me to be brought out and played with and at last I decided yes indeed why not!
2. What has been your experience with the technique? Undoubtedly that less haste is more speed. You do need to make sure that you iron over the sheet for long enough for the resist to work and then give it time to dry off before you attempt to stamp over it. Both things I did not do the first time round so this card is my second attempt at getting it right.

Alcohol Ink colours used. Cranberry, Butterscotch, Caramel.
Plain card from my stash along with ribbon and Gems.
Stamp used for reist  'Brocade' by Wow.
Other stamps by Hot Off The Press, freebies from Simply cards and Papercraft magazine.
When you do this technique you end up with a positive on glossy card and a negative on plain card.
I  have chosen to use the negative as I liked the colour combination more.
Challenges entered:
Dreamtime Designs #3:  Christmas using a technique you have not used before.
Pixies Crafty Workshop #105: Use up your snippets. (Inks were pre used stash from Fluff!!).
Cute card Thursday #301: Anything goes.
Creative Knockouts #17: Anything goes.
The Squirrel and The Fox #60: Anything goes.
Stamping Sensations: Free and Easy.
Crafty Hazelnuts #157: Share a Christmas card  not shown yet.
P.s Just realised why I like the colours of this card so much. It's the colours in my dinning room.!!!!


Sally H said...

Oh wow, Mrs A! This is stunning! I will have to go and have a read as I don't know this technique at all! Happy new year to you and yours and may 2014 bring many hours of happy crafting x

Karen P said...

That is lush! A really fabulous card and I'm off to look at the technique - not heard of it before and I may be getting those inks out later this week! xx

Greta said...

I am so impressed--your card is wonderful! My alcohol inks sit unused, too, so will have to check the tutorial & see if this is something I could do. Thanks for the inspiration, Mrs. A!

brenda said...

So pretty and a wonderful background, very much my kind of colours as well.

Thanks so much for joining in at Stamping Sensations and here's to a Happy, Healthy and Crafty 2014.

B x

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

I like the colours you've put together and doesn't the technique give a pretty result! xx

Kimbo said...

A great technique and you've done a wonderful job with it. Not one for me as I don't do ironing x

Zue said...

Very National Trust. You must have a really posh dining room.
Is this the start of Xmas 2014 :)

Viv said...

lovely!! And posh dining room too!!

Di said...

Fabulous Mrs A! Never heard of the technique so will check it out. I agree with others too - gorgeous dining room colours you have!

Happy New Year! And here's hoping we have more successful outings in 2014 :)



Di said...

Me again, I lied - I did something similar earlier this year! Not as fabby a result though.

Hugs, me xx

Brenda in IN said...

Love those color in your card. I haven't done that technique but I do have the inks to do it. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful New Years and be safe.

Sandra H said...

Oh my goodness Mrs A this is absolutely fabulous the colours are gorgeous as always your talent is amazing ......have a lovely New Year xx

Hettie said...

Ooooo! Pwetty.

Kathleen said...

Beautiful card, fabulous colours and adore the background.

Kath x

Merry said...

Sounds like an interesting technique and a lovely card you have created.

kay said...

Fabulous card and technique x

Bonnie said...

What an interesting technique! It sure makes a pretty card! And my list gets longer!

Eret said...

Happy new Year! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful card with us at Stamping Sensation. I have never heard this technique before. It sure looks awesome on your card. I hope you join us again in our new challenge.
Eret x

Hazel said...

Thanks for entering your lovely card for CHNC challenge 157 - hope to see you again soon. x

Sarn said...

Great technique and nice inky card Mrs A. xxx

The-Butterfly said...

Never heard of this before but looks like fun! Well done on persevering with it tho, if things don't work out first time for me I have a bad habit of giving up, but I'm glad you didn't - it's a fab effect!

Thanks again for playing along with us at DDCC - always great to see you play along :)

Unknown said...

Great card love it. Many thanks for joining us at The Squirrel and the Fox with our anything goes challenge Hugs Txx(DT)