Well my desk this morning appears to have been taken over by Monkey who is busy downloading the pattern for Stanley the dog. In the foreground you can see the pattern pieces have been cut from felt in readiness. To the right is a piecce of material I was doing a practice stamping on. In the dish you can just see a blue and yellow bird I have made using shrink plastic. I drew a bird outline onto the shrink plastic. Cut out and then coloured in using water colour pencils. Punched a hole and then shrunk using my heat gun. It really does shrink down to 7 times its size. Amazing stuff. I have been making buttons with it too but they are on their way to America so can't show you those at present.
I have been shoved off onto the side table by Monkey where I am working on a swap item, again destined for America. Here is just a sneek preview of it. Something I have not tried before
stamping directly onto material as the design. I'm quite pleased with how it is going.
Lastly Monkey wanted to show you his glasses he made.
Personally I think he should have gone to Spec Savers!!!
Hop on over to Julia's blog to see what the rest of the WOYWW crowd are doing on their desks.
Just love the glasses!Happy creative wednesday
Hugs Judex 6
Lol at monkey - thanks for the tip re pencils on shrinkies its spooky that you should mention it I have a cricketer that I was trying to colour to go on a card for my eldest but I tried pro-markers and you couldnt see the colour - off to find some pencils xx (love your stamped image as well )
Looks like Monkey needs some attention, think he's a tad jealous...lol Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a great WOYWW
Hugs Marjo #22
Loving Monkeys glasses. My monkey is sat here squinting at the screen checking out the design and wonders where he got those from :-)....eye problems obviously run in the family.
A x
hey, Monkey you look good! The fabric stamping is great!!
Tee hee for those specs!!! Seriously, enjoyed my snooping here today, have good week
Well here we are with another WOYWW! – quite a bit going on here again must get some shrink plastic it seems sounds s great and like the idea of using heat tool...and water colour pencils< I love monkey's glasses his style totally! thanks so much for sharing..
Shaz in oz. x #35
Hi ya lol
cute litle bird, luv the monkey specs they suit him, lol,thanks for the snoop, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(13)x
Been hit by stamping onto fabric again too!
Thanks for sharing your workdesk today. Wishing you lots of creativity until next time!
Sasa (Sarah) at 1
Hey Monkey looks really cute in his specs!!!
Penni (66)
Love the fabric stamping, it looks really good.
Have a great WOYWW,
Karen #79
Monkey is looking a bit intellectual today!
Hi Mrs A,
I agree with S - monkey is looking rather intelligent today!! I am giving the shrink plastic a go tonight as yourthe second person on WOYWW (so far) to show us what you've done with it. You're always so busy and always have some project on the go. Nice to pop over to see you, as always.
Rebecca x (41)
Oi, you've got stamp stash I don't know about! ;) Is that top secret or something?!
Shrink plastic is amazing - I've never tried drawing my own picture on it before though, I've only ever stamped on it. Your bird looks great!
I like stamping onto fabric, I love the subtle look you've achieved and those stamps look so pretty. (LOL at Faye's comment!)
Oh my, Monkey looks ever so intelligent now - and he's got his own laptop too - LOL.
Haa Haa - I think Monkey is trying to get his own Blog!! You need to show him who is boss in your room!! LOL! Loving your stamping. I ought to tie that in with my quilting! Soo many ideas and so little time! Thanks anyway for the peep!
I love Monkey's glasses! Never make fun of anyone little with glasses...too cute!
Very creative space and it was nice you moved for Monkey. TFS
Think of the money Monkey saved by doing it himself. WTG Monk! Looking forward to seeing your finished swap project. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #83
Hi Monkey and Mrs A tis me back again. yes whole box of 80 glorious pencils is heaven and have used them is you want a video have put one on blog now . here are a couple from Heroarts..
love Shaz in oz.x
Hi there! I haven't popped by to say hello in awhile! Cute lil monkey. Have a great day!
Loving those glasses lol and the stamping direct on the canvas is gorgeous, im afraid im not that confident yet lol.
Love Monkey's glasses and admiring his proficiency at the computer :) Your stamping onto fabric is gorgeous - such a pretty bird scene. What a coincidence, I'm just trying out shrink plastic for the first time and not being successful with the colouring so thanks for the tip about colouring with water colour pencils, will give it a try. Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #96
Still in love with Monkey. I think you should travel the world with him, taking photos as you go and let him write his own blog.
Now, down to the crafting. What stamps have you used on the fabric? Because it's looking fabulous.
Hope you're having a good weekend,
cheers, rachel #70
your project with shrink plastic sound very interesting, and monkey is adorable with his glasses!
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