Whats in the Cauldron..
The bewitching hour is nearly upon us. Names are aready in the pot but if you would still like to be with a chance to adopt "Picken Punkin" then just either leave a comment on this post or on the original one below and be a follower of my blog.
A name will be picked out at the witching hr on Sunday 31st.
Oh how fab is this?! I wish I could whip up non-calorific food like you can! I bet Fluff always had the best costume in the whole school for the Nativity play didn't she!All glittery and floaty and girly.
Do you know what my mum did to me?.....no of course you don't so I'll tell you.....for the school nativity one year (circa 1984) she cut my hair to resemble Karen Carpenter and dressed me in an old hessian sack and flip flops....hey presto a pageBOY. Oh the shame!
Thanks for all your lovely comments recently. I have been such a bad blogger!
Linds x
I love the dolls you make.. So cute. Cute names too. Love the scarf your Sister made you too. So pretty.. I love scarfs now.. :)
I also hope you have a wonderful Halloween.
Trick or Treat?! Take care :)
Hmmm...what else can I do? *big smile* I'm wishing and a-prayin'....come on Doc...a little white lightning for ya....heehee. Y'all have a very Happy Halloween...be good to the kiddies! ;-)
Happy Halloween Valery! My cauldron is stocked up with sweeties in case we have any trick or treaters around the neighbourhood!
Happy Haloween my Dear! Have a spooky night! xx
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