I fancied having a go at doing some mixed media using canvas boards for my base. Found everything I needed in my stash so had a play and these are the results. Quite pleased with the results as this was the first time I had used modeling paste through a stencil and mica mists. I know , I know I am late to the party but one just can't rush these things!

I covered the boards first with Gesso as they are only cheap ones and then used a stencil and modelling paste. Left it overnight under a radiator and then used a paint brush to apply some green pearls tints. After that I ventured out into the garden and used a pink micca mists randomly to cover. The house was a chipboard piece that I covered in white paint and the frames were from where I had die cut the white strips (the kind man had sent me as packaging in my order) mentioned in a previous post. The florals/butterflies are stamps by Julie Hickey again stamped and fussy cut from the white strips. Buttons are from my button tin which once glued in place given a coating of wink of stella.

The two heart buttons started out in life as orange with white spots but I covered in gesso and sprayed with mica powder. The letters again cut from the white strips and painted pink and then wink of stella applied. I just need to find a couple of matching old picture frames to set them into so I will be having a rummage in the local charity shop for those.
Had several appointments to go to this past week but only managed to get to one of them as the rest were either cancelled at the last minute or rained off so have had to be rescheduled. There is so much surface water around at the moment. The bottom half of the garden is under water with just the stepping stones above it. Lots of flooding around the local roads too. Hope your all managing to stay dry. It is the first day of spring next Wednesday and I can't wait for the nicer weather.