Tuesday, December 31, 2019

So where were we!

Oh Yes, down a deep hole for the duration. When I said (in the previous post) I was off to dig a deep hole what I should actually have done was sink a mine shaft, as when I surfaced this morning the Elves were still here, the Bourbon has gone down by an alarming rate, the Penguins are very much in abundance and it is definitely not  Summer.  There was also a letter from the Water Board (waiting on the door mat ) saying that as  I had failed to control MY Penguins (They are NOT MY PENGUINS) they would be in touch in the New Year  regarding the state of the water course.

On the Seventh day of Christmas my True Love/Not sent to me an Igloo?!!.
Well I could do with an igloo to house all those Penguins but I don't want any more thank you.

 Hmmm. Lets look inside.  I spoke too soon but at least they appear to have had their supper..
Penguins, sentiment  and igloo are freebie stamps from a magazine. Fish skeletons drawn in by hand.

On the Eighth day of Christmas my True Love/Not sent to me a Christmas tree?!!.

No. I know what a real christmas tree looks like and a pile of green penguins perched precariously on a tree stump and decorated with stars (even if they are gold ones)  does not fool me one little bit.  Fortunately Donna's  son is in Boston where there is a nice big aquarium. They won't notice a few extra. They are crated up and on their way. Just need to keep their beaks shut and not speak the Queens' English or they will be a dead give away. I have trained them to say "Howdy" and "Have a nice day".

On the Ninth day of Christmas my True Love/Not sent to me 9 Carol Singers.  They can't  sing for toffee's as they said they were  giving a rendition of  good King Wenceslas  but the one sporting the orange scarf was singing  I  am H. A. P.  P.  Y., I am H. A.  P.  P. Y. Now as I pointed out to the last lot of Carolers there is No FISH IN THE INN so clear off.
Lamp post is from a set by Cardio. Scarves hand drawn.
P.S. They put  their Christmas scarves on especially for Kathleen who thought they were all looking a bit pale.

 The boring gear has just arrived on the back of a lorry so I am off to do some drilling.

To be continued.

Wishing You All
Happy New Year. 


Donna said...

What an enjoyable post, like the hand drawing you did on your adorable penguin cards, the tree was too cute! Happy New Year!!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Your True Love/Not is a sadist :D
Love the igloo card and your hand drawn, the scarves and the fish skeleton look amazing!
I wish you a fabulous new year, without penguins neither elves!

Kathleen said...

Another set of brilliant fun images. The ones in the igloo should be taught to put the bones in the bin.
Looks like the eight on the tree have had too many sprouts.
But the ones in the scarfs look to have made a complete recovery and look nice and cosy and getting some of their natural colour back., lamp posts look great too.
Happy New Year.

Kath x

aussie aNNie said...

Lovely post..xx

Jane Willis said...

Oh goodness Mrs A, those penguins just keep on proliferating. You have an absolute plethora of penguins now. And judging by a couple of the comments above mine, the spammers love them too!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

What a fun post and fab penguins. Happy new year

Chris said...

Oh my Mrs A, what a lot of penguins you have! Have you considered moving house before next Christmas... so that your True Love Not doesn't know where you live? The elves may not find you either so probably a brilliant suggestion!
Love the cards, the penguins do look cute (especially the ones in the lovely colourful scarves)!
Happy New Year

Jackie T said...

Hi Mrs A your cards are stunning I love those penguins. Happy New Year to you. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Margreet said...

This is just magical what you do with those penguins. Adore all of your cards you made with them!
All the best for 2020!
xxx Margreet

terrie said...

I love your turmoil with the penguins but I think you have them in control.
Well done on the penguin cards.....Happy New 2020 Year

Aquarius said...

Love these penguin posts. I'm just wondering if your true love has started working on what might be coming your way for Christmas 2020???
Happy New Year

Hazel (Didos) said...

Ahhh these are so cute, what great creations, Thanks for dropping past my blogs, Im now following you too, Hazelxx

KandA said...

What a super post, sounds like you've been having an eventful christmas but I wouldn't worry too much about penguins.... it's easter around the corner and you know how those rabbits like to breed! xx

Di said...

So funny! Wonderful cards and I can't help but laugh aloud at the penguins! Happy New Year to you and The Doc ................ and the penguins, snigger.

Love from Di and a woof from Dudley! xx

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
Happy New Year.
Love your cards and those penguins are so gorgeous.
Your work is so fab and very funny too.
Still waiting for a home for my penquins any chance of a few more coming your way. LOL.
Will post pics ssoon for you to choose can go to any good home.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.