Wednesday, December 13, 2017


So the conversation yesterday went along the lines of:

The Doc      To me.  "I see your  eating  plenty of the grapes I bought for you then?"

Me             Looking puzzled. "No just a few yesterday but none  today."

The Doc     "Well the bowls nearly empty now"!!


Me        " L'th"?  Just you come out from under the dinning room table this minute and bring that bowl of grapes with you"

To be continued.


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah they’re up to it again, Mrs A. No doubt about things are going t be lovely!! Everything will need to be bolted down!
Hugs Shaz.x

Suze said...

On the positive side - at least it is healthy! There is worse things that L'th could be eating.

Margreet said...

I agree with least he is eating fruits and no candy! But it had been better asking first.
Thanks for your beautiful card!
xxx Margreet

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Well it is one of five a day, but I agree he should have asked first.

Sue xx

Ella said...

Big deal! He eats your grapes!
But admit, the life style of this elf is very healthy! Keep it like this!
Hugs! :)

Brenda in IN said...

It's time for a conversation about taking things that don't belong to you. Might as well mention eating in bed is not allowed as well. Make the rules clear since it looks like you're in for the long haul. Good luck, my sweet friend.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

It's true, he should have asked first, but poor elf, he was hungry... :)

terrie said...

I have to agree that he is eating healthy....I guess he likes grapes too

Carol L said...

At least the little elf is eating healthy food instead of Santa's cookies! LOL

cuilliesocks said...

I guess its good that L'th is eating healthily, but he should have left you some too, Kate x

Kathleen said...

Well the poor guy must have been starving, looks like he had nothing to eat since his breakfast in bed yesterday, and a few grapes is not going to fill him up, don't be surprised if the larder is raided, you only have yourself to blame.

Kath x

Darnell said...

It's a good thing Doc mentioned it because that little imp would have been sick as a dog if he ate that bowl of grapes! It's almost as big as he is!! What next?! Hugs, Darnell

Cara said...

Well, I suppose it's better than sweets....

AlisonC said...

I hope you don't find them squashed down the back of the sofa in January. As usual he looks very pleased with himself. x