Saturday, December 09, 2017

Foiled Again!!

Sorry for my absence. Still not feeling too tickety boo and definitely not firing on all four cylinders yet but needs must so time to crack on.
Speaking of time I'm not sure where last week went too or what that awful Elf got up to (whilst I was indisposed ) but lets recap to the happy hour  of 11.30pm last Thursday  30th November when The Doc and I were sitting congratulating ourselves that
A.   The elves had all been packed off to finishing school up at the North Pole.

B. Side garden gate bolted and padlocked. Key in The Docs pocket. ✔
     Front door locked and dead bolt on  and also the letterbox sealed with strong adhesive..✔
     Back door locked. Key on peg away from window. ✔
     Cat flap securely shut and locked.✔
     Cat indoors.✔
     Windows securely bolted.✔
     Wire cage firmly attached to chimneystack.✔

So I was just saying to The Doc that my changing the password every five minutes had really worked as nothing/no one unauthorised had entered the building.

There was a ghastly silence until the The Doc said
"Well if you don't include the postman banging on the front door (The door bell having been tapped up)  earlier this afternoon and delivering a box"

The ensuing conversation went roughly like this.

Me.  "What box and who was it for?"

The Doc.   "Well it just said for Whom it may concern!"

Me.   "Where is it now then?"

The Doc. " I don't know. Norm took it upstairs, as though he wasn't expecting anything he thought it might be just be an early christmas present from his beloved 'Sammy'.

Me.      NORM?
            Wherever you are DO NOT OPEN THAT BOX!!!!!

Too late

At which point I gave up and went to bed for the entire weekend!!


Sue's Crafty Corner said...

You know what they say "where there is a will there is a way". Hope you are feeling better now.

Sue xx

Liz said...

I just knew one of those pesky elves would find a way to sneak back!
Hope you'll soon be fully recovered, Mrs A. xx

Suze said...

Hope you are feeling better Mrs A - I get the feeling you are going to need all your strength over the coming month! That elf is just too smart to lock out of the house!

LesleyG said...

Haha I am glad you are on the mend because I can't wait to see what they get up to! Xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Mrs A I had to explain to hubby what I was chuckling at when I was reading your post last night, love the photo and I hope you are soon feeling better :)
Hugs Kaz xx

Julia said...

Hope you feel better soon Valery xx

cuilliesocks said...

Oh no! Just when you thought it would be safe, but perhaps he'll be better behaved this year.
Hope your back to tickity boo soon, Kate x

cuilliesocks said...

Oh no! Just when you thought it would be safe, but perhaps he'll be better behaved this year.
Hope your back to tickity boo soon, Kate x

Margreet said...

This won't help you with feeling better, I think. Norm is looking very happy!
xxx Margreet

Aquarius said...

Norm looks pleased with the contents of his parcel!! Good to hear that you are feeling marginally better, take care.

AlisonC said...

Oh no, I knew they'd get in somehow, they just love you. Lying down is the best thing with a cup/glass of something nice. (You not the Elf, heaven forbid). Feel better soon. x

Di said...

Snigger, that's known as a Trojan Horse! Let the fun begin 😊


Di xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ooohhhh.... poor you... Let's the elves begin the holidays :D
Seriously: hope you are feeling better now!

Jane said...

Ha ha...brilliant! I do love an elf and yours are just super. Enjoy the run up to Christmas and I really hope you feel a lot better soon, hugs xx

Cara said...

Oh that's hilarious! I'm sorry that you're not feeling too well. Sending gentle healing hugs your way x

Kathleen said...

The best laid plans eh? Good old Norm.
Looks like you need to get well PDQ to face the events coming up. Bet Doc drank all his whisky last night to be on the safe side.

Kath x

Darnell said...

Oh, my, he is a willful and clever little rascal, isn't he?! But just look how sweet he and Norm look together! I hope you are feeling better and taking that powder stuff the athletes take so you have the strength you are going to need to get through the next several days! Bless!! Hugs, Darnell

Karen P said...

There's always one naughty little beggar! I hope you have warned him to behave or be banished - it's the only way you will keep your sanity you know that! Hope you are feeling much healthier now, take care and keeps warm Karen x

Donna said...

Hope my comment finds you feeling better.

KathyA. said...

Just stumbled upon your blog and am becoming a follower because I love, love, love your sense of humor. (Plus, I want to see just what this nasty elf attempts in the coming weeks. Feel better soon!)