Monday, August 26, 2013

D is for Dusk.

I completely missed the deadline for the Craft Barn challenge but have created my page anyway so that my book will be complete. I made an owl tag about a year ago and it had been hanging on my notice board behind my desk ever since. Whilst pondering on what word to choose I suddenly realised that he fitted the bill perfectly for 'Dusk' so with a little bit of snipping here and there  and  inking a moon into the background I remade Mr Owl .
The page already had a wash of pale pink tester paint on it so left it and just coloured the dictionary page using distress inks in two shades of blue.  Looking at the post I did for the tag I see that the owl image came from a freebie site here and that I had coloured the branch using a brown Promarker and black chalk. The background was a piece of old sheeting which I had dyed using  blackberry juice, chalks in purple ,blue & black and distress ink pads in blue and brown.
The stamp is by Crafty individuals CI-234 and stamped onto the cloth with black stazon ink pad. I cut the piece down, repositioned the owl and put a moon in the background by using a circle die cut on an odd bit of paper to make a stencil and used a yellow distress ink pad.
A snippet of navy ribbon just finished the page of nicely.  Not entering into any challenges as he owl had already been posted as a tag.


Di said...

Stunning Mrs A - love the owl and such a lovely dusky atmosphere too.

I don't mind if he's been published on a tag before, you remade him into a lovely card and added a snippet of ribbon to boot. Do feel free to come and play - can you smell the cake baking yet? I thought not, it's a bit too early for me to be standing over the oven! AND, you snitched about the cake too :)

Hugs, Di xx

Mrs.B said...

Hi Mrs A, Fabulous page, love the image and background.
Avril xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Beautiful owl and a lovely page to complete your book. You are quite right about the idea of that monster spider crawling round the house at night. I had to know he had gone and I just hope he does not return. According to the radio this morning, we are due for a plague of them any time now, so I suspect my spider catcher will get a lot more use. Have a good day. xx Maggie

Karen P said...

gorgeous! love the owl, my all time favourite bird, and he fits perfectlly with the 'd' for dusk page Karen x

Kathleen said...


Kath x

Highland Monkey's said...

Liking the way you have made that very much. Lots of layering and the owl on top.

Hettie said...

Great page there Mrs! Love owls. They are always happy as they are having a hoot! Drawl!

Sandra H said...

Mrs A this is beautiful what a fab page x

Sarn said...

Terrific! xxx

Zue said...

This is a really lovely design , Val!
The owl looks so well against his background.
Just my colours!

MaryH said...

Wow! I always love reading the how-to-s on your projects. This is so unique, and your snippet owl really fit the theme of your word. How wonderful that you could recycle him on such a neat project. I love that you stamped him on fabric & used the print background as you did. Never tried that (well, not successfully!). This is really neat, tfs. Hugs

Sandy said...

I love your owl page - I need to play catch up too so my altered dictionary will be complete as well. I really like the word you chose and the wise owl too? who?

JansArtyJunk said...

Loving your owl....looks great on your fab background :)

Mary said...

I love your journal pages. You are a wise one to have created such a "D" lightful page....As always, good job!

Bonnie said...

A very stately owl, Mrs. A!

Carol L said...

Very pretty tag with that owl, and I can't wait to see the completed book when you finish it!

Merry said...

Terrific page and very clever adding the owl to DUSK. Also good on you for keeping up. I have my dictionary ready but have a lot of letters to compelte.

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Wow, this is fantastic :)