Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Just 4 You Di.

When I saw this digi by Mo's Digital Pencil I knew I just had to buy it as it so reminded me of Di and myself at the Newbury Show  last month. I don't think we stopped nattering the whole time or stopped laughing especially when we were trying to stop the display stand from toppling down on us cos Di was trying to get her mits on a KanBan topper hanging right at the very top!!

Image coloured using Promarkers.
Backing Paper. Webster's Pages 'Best Friends' free in Simply Cards & Papercraft
word & number die by Britannia..

Entering into the following challenges:
Pixie's Crafty Workshop #85: Use your snippets up  (snippet of white card used on words)
Make It Monday #153: Paper Crafts.


Di said...

Aha - this is still on my desk Mrs A, I love it! Great image and a lovely card.

I can't help being vertically challenged, why d'you fink I goes round wiv a taller pal huh, huh?!

Flutterbys trip was wiv Mo and Sam last week - very few charms to be had sadly but a whole lorra other goodies!

Hugs, Di xx

Catherine said...

What a fab card Valery-Anne ! I can see why your friend Di loves it so much ! Thank you for your message Sweetie ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

Debbie said...

Great card Mrs A. You did not say which lady is you and which is Di!!

Sandy said...

Found some time to visit some of the blogs in my list at last! Love your fun image, a delightful card,

Doreen said...

This is gorgeous,lovely

Hettie said...

Aw Bless. Great card. I take it I will need to bring a step ladder when I go out with Di on me own then as I am not taller! Or we could just bring you!

Stephanie said...

What a great friendship card! I really like hearing the story behind it as well. I saw it on Make it Monday and came over for a closer look. :)

Karen P said...

That's stunning Mrs A - perfect image for you two which you've coloured beautifully! Karen x

Whimcees said...


I love this image also! Great card! I am going to play catch up with all of your creations that I have missed! Wishing you a happy day today and hope all is well with you!


Barbara Diane

Donna said...

Lovely card Mrs A, really like this image and the dies you've used for the lettering. Hope all OK with you and you're having a good week so far :) Donna ♥ x

Viv said...

Found some time to call in at long last! Lovely card and no wonder Di loves it! x

Sandra H said...

Oh wow now l know what you look your card and image is brilliant xx

Createology said...

Sweet reminder of making memories with your BFF. Creative Happy Hearts...

Chrissy said...

Fabulous friendship card,great image and colouring.
Thanks for sharing with us at Make it Monday..


MaryH said...

Somehow I guessed the recipient of this sweet card. Perfect,I know she must have loved it and it made me smile to think of the 2 of you on this outing. Lovely coloring, and you know I loved those dies! I'm always amazed at this free paper you find. IT's so pretty. TFS & Hugs

MagsB said...

What a great image, it just sums up friendship, I think! The ice cream sentiment is fabulous, too!

love Mags B x

Bonnie said...

What a pair! So love hearing about your escapades together and what a good reminder!

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

And why was Di trying to get that Topper, exactly?! Hmmmmm. Yes, I can see this is you two. God help Bath is all I'm sayin' xx

Sarn said...

Terrific image and wonderful card. xxx

scrappymo! said...

Cute card! Two blonde pals...just right to depict you two!

Flutterby's was wonderful. I got a bunch of Wild rose Studio Stamps and a WRS 6x6 Paperpad as well. A few other things managed to fall into my basket too! lol
Wish you could have been was so much fun.