This is the spec I received from Bernie. 'Love sea blue, turquoise, sunshine yellow. Anything purse like, passort cover, pencil case(have promarkers, will travel) as would any kind of storage'.
Okey dokey, plenty of scope there then. First things first. Round up whats needed.
Yep! I thinks thats everything so lets get started.

So how about a padded box to keep promarkers in. I used the plastic casing that sets of 5 promarkers come in and cut the tray part out. Next I built up a box to fit 3 trays side by side Added a flap up lid, a bit of embroidery on top and velcro fastenings. Hey Presto 'Have Promarkers will Travel'.

Plenty of room inside. Holds up to 27 promarkers in two rows.

And last but not least a folding tray that simply folds flat when not needed by undoing the buttons on the sides.
Entering into the following:
All Sorts: Free & Easy.
Craft your Days Away: Summer time theme.
Divas By Design: Summer.