I've joined in the Swap for all Seasons matchbox swap. Where you decorate 25 little matchboxes and add a gift inside. Now me being penny pinching thought "I don't want to buy 25 matchboxes and have hundreds of matches left over I will make them myself. Easy Peasy!!!!"
I found a template for a larger box found what the measurements of a matchbox are and scaled it down to size. So far so good.
Made up the 1st proto type. Perfect. Made the 1st little box up. Again OK. Two days later I have only got 2 boxes done. Why? I am finding it exasperatingly difficult to get the measurements precise when cutting out from old Christmas cards using a pencil and ruler so I have given in and ordered A Scor-Pal scoring board. Cost? £29.99. Could have got a Martha Stewart Scoreboard for £19.99 but having watched a You Tube video doing a comparison between the two fancied the Scor-Pal more. Hope I'm not disappointed.
hey Mrs A...your little boxes look great and I'm sure you won't be disappointed with the scor-pal...I have one and I think it's very good...
Love your little boxes, hope the scor-pal makes it a faster and easier job for you!
Oh that made me giggle, your stash will look like mine in no time at all! xxx
I love the matchboxes and after seeing your link to the Christmas swap (which is now closed, darn it), I went and bought the matches so that I can take it apart and make my own template. No measuring at all then. I won't have a swap but darn it all, I'm going to make 25 boxes and put little gifts inside. I will then put them in a cute little box and give to someone...yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment too but yours look so nice - I'm in the holiday mood!!
Oh Fluff is so lucky to have a (glamourous) mummy with stash! I have a glamourous mummy but she hasn't got stash :-( (cue violins!)
Linds x
Ha ha! But it would have been much cheaper to buy 25 matchboxes and you could have sold the matches on ebay! ;o) However I too have been lusting over a scoring board so can't blame you for giving in to one. Don't these two look cute cut from old Christmas cards - great idea.
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