Sunday, September 24, 2017

I'm Back.

I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things and blogging. Thankyou to everyone's comments on the loss of my Dad. They have been much appreciated along with all the lovely cards that I received. Fortunately I had painted the flower image on this card way back in August and only had to put the card together for my lovely, lovely friend's birthday (Miss Di) week before last. I know she liked it cos she said so!

The stamped image is a Woodware one called Anemone and is one of my favourite ones to paint. I have used my Marvey LePlumeII pens to scribble the colours onto an acetate stamp block and then pick up the colours one by one with a wet paint brush. I like painting this way as for me I can get better placing and blending and if I go wrong I can use water to pick the colour up which is something you can't do with pens straight to paper. I have also used a gold gel pen for edging the petals and stamens.  A dusting of light blue chalk finished the picture. The sentiment is a Britannia die cut from a snippet of the same backing card. The gold spots which I thought looked like nail heads  were from my stash.

Entering into the following challenges:
Pixie's Crafty Workshop # 299/300 Use your snippets up. (white card for stamping image).


Jackie T said...

Hi Mrs A this is a stunning card that flower is so pretty. I am not surprised that your friend loved it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Valerija said...

Welcome back. This is an awesome card. I love the image.
Valerija xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Welcome back in blogland Mrs A! I know how things are after the dead of a Dad... mine has passed away at the end of June. But life continues and so I'm here...even if he is always in my mind, heart and soul. Surely it is so also for you.
I'm sure that Miss D has loved your card, just because it's fabulous!! So sweet and delicate, and great water coloring! The light blue around the anemone makes it pops very well from the background!

Aquarius said...

Not surprised that Di loved this pretty anemone card.

Sylvia said...

Welcome back.I didn't know about the loss of your Dad.Mine condolances.You have made a beautiful card with this pretty flower.

Gr, Sylvia

Cara said...

Beautiful card, I love the colours you've used on the flower. Take care of yourself x

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Valery, good to see you back especially at this difficult time.
Beautiful card, love the image and colouring. Take care, Kate x

Margreet said...

Glad to see you back after that hard time.
You made your friend a wonderful card!
xxx Margreet

Darnell said...

You did a beautiful job painting this pretty flower for Di, Anne! I'm sure this is one she will keep in her treasure box forever!! Good to see you back!! Hugs, Darnell

KandA said...

I can see why Miss Di liked it... that flower is beautiful. Glad to see you back xx

Sandra H said...

So beautiful is your card to Di and l'm sure she loved it l especially love the woodware stamp and the colouring nice to see you back you have been missed take care and sending lots of love xx

Sally H said...

So sorry to hear your news, Mrs A. Sending big hugs xxx Your card for Miss Di is stunning! Such pretty colours. I too love to colour as you described with distress markers, zig clean color markers or my old marvy pens that are mostly still going after 15 years.

Jane said...

It's good to see you back Valery, take each day at a time. Your card for Di is delightful, she must have loved it. xx

Mac Mable said...

So delicate and so very pretty. You have been missed x

terrie said...

The flower looks so delicate...well done on the coloring.
I know your friend loved it......tfs

Kathleen said...

Gorgeous flower and a great choice of colours, not too sure about he colouring though, have you got the light and the shadows right, well I had to get you back somehow.

Kath x

Karen P said...

I'm not surprised she liked it because your flower is beautifully coloured. Sending you loads of gentle hugs right now Mrs A, look after yourself and treat yourself a little if you can Karen xx

Loose Stitches said...

Oh what a beautiful card Mrs A., love the colors of your flower!
Hugs, Sherry x
Loose Stitches and Unraveled Threads

Mia said...

I am deeply sorry for your loss, Mrs A. I lost my father in September some years ago and I know the pain. Your card is beautiful and the colours are lovely. We have plenty of anemones in Greece. Hugs, my friend.

aussie aNNie said...

Gorgeous card, love the flower.xx [aNNie]

Createology said...

Very happy to see you back blogging and creating. My deepest condolences on your dad. <3

Diane said...

Wonderful to have you back Valery, I am very sorry to hear about your father. You have created another really beautiful card design.

Hugs Diane

Tina Z. said...

I am deeply sorry for your loss, Mrs A.
And good to see you back, I was thinking of you. such a classy card, I love it.
hugs xx

AlisonC said...

I'm sorry to hear your sad news, rather late but know I'm thinking of you. Take some time. I thought I'd got my weeks muddled but now I understand why the challenge went on longer, it gave me time to enter anyway.
This flower is beautiful, I'm not surprised it's a favourite. x

Anne said...

Nice to see you blogging again, I still think about my Dad every day 13 years on, it's very hard :o(
Lucky Miss Di to receive such a beautiful card

Anne x

Di said...

Of course I adore this card - it's even more beautiful in real life my friend!

I owe you an email, chasing my tail a bit here but will e ASAP!


Di xx

Donna said...

Gorgeous card and coloring. Hugs, Donna

Pat said...

Sorry for the sad loss of your Dad Mrs A, and also sorry I hadn't realised earlier. I love your prettily coloured poppy which stands out beautifully against the white background. I think poppies are my favourite flower. x