Thursday, November 27, 2014

Going, going gone!

The Doc would like to point out 
that when I say flood pond
it should really be flood lake!
Isn't that a ballet?
This is the view standing at the bridge 
one end looking down the length.
Our house is tucked in the green space
where my water mark is showing. 
The waterboard let the sluice gates open 
and this is the water draining through.

and this is normal services resumed!


scrappymo! said...

Oh my goodness! That is a lot of water. I think that must be your window you are taking the photos from!

When I was a child (under 10 years old) we lived on a farm (on a flood plain) and Dad raised horses and cattle. We had a river run along the property and a couple times in a 5 year period the water board open the dykes and let the ditch run off water race into the river. We were evacuated once and once was was scary!

Hope you are all safe and well..

Margreet said...

Wow, what a lot of water...hope you can swim ☺☺☺
xxx Margreet

Sandra H said...

Hope you have your water wings Mrs A it can be very scary though!!

Di said...

OK, I just hung my canoe up in the garage again. Rescue services here have stood down!!


Di xx

Carol L said...

It's always good to see flood waters receding after rising so high! Glad you're OK and your home is still standing too!

Createology said...

Oh Dear I am thankful your home is safe from flooding. Too much water is not a good thing just like our continued drought is not a good thing. Please Stay Safe...

ann @ studiohyde said...

That was a lot of water!

MRS DUCK said...

Phew, you can deflate the dingy now (hopefully it won't make a rude noise in doing so lol!)
I think the ballet is Swan Vesta, hahaha!
Best wishes.
Ang x

Bonnie said...

What a lot of water! Glad it's gone.

MaryH said...

My gracious, bet this was hair-raising as you were watching the rain come down, and the water levels a-risin'. I'm so thankful & glad for you that the wet has receded a bit, and hope that you had no damage to your gardens. Your area looks so lovely with all the green. Our lawn is all brown now. Until next spring. TFS & Big hugs.

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Those trees look like they need some attention from the, erm, council... ;) x