This was my desk taken last Wednesday but not uploaded. Thought you might like to see it anyway.
Somebody broke my sewing machine bulb!!!!!!
Couldn't have been due to a certain little character using it as an unauthorised sun bed could it?

My desk taken at 2.30 am this morning.

No. That's not one of the cats but a strip of fur that I have just unstitched from my latest charity shop find. Namely a pure lambswool and angora cardigan which I'm hopping will felt up nicely on a boil wash. Watch this space to see what will become of it. The fur and hooks/eyes will go into my stash.(Waste not want not).
The snickerdoodle box pushed to one side is in the process of being turned into the February handbag challenge and the bottle top sat on my computer is going to be for an ATC challenge which requires you to use one on your entry.
If you'd like to snoop around lots of other desks then head on over to Julia's blog here.
Hi. If I remember rightly; I told you that monkeys can be a bit of a nuisence at times !
Lookig forward to seeing the results of the fur boil!
Morning Mrs A, I love your money sat watching you work!
Wow boiling, how does that work....does it shrink and you end up with somethig nice? Sounds fasinating, well done and good luck. Poor Fluffy sounds like she is getting a bit stressed, hope she will be ok. Debbiexx
Hi ya
haha he looks guilty to me! ,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(18)
Gosh were you up sewing at 2-30am??? Nice to see you back this week :)
Have a great WOYWW,
Karen #91
That cardi will felt beautifully! My little friend beside Scruffy is Betsy - check her out here!
Wow that fur really does look like a dead animal on your desk!!! Glad it's not, lol! What the heck are you doing up at 2:30am for???
Brenda 103
Ha ha I am loving this "before" and "after" two for one deal we have here! and hope that jumper felts up nicely
For a moment I thought you had a wig on your desk. Have fun with the boiling. hUgs Pam
Yes,ditto, monkey looks like he's being naughty!! I 'cooked' a jumper by mistake but loved it's new look, so maybe I should have a go at felting!
Glad you liked the Alien! ((Lyn))
I was going to ask what you were doing up at 2.30 but I have read back a few posts and can probably tell why. Sorry to hear about your FIL. And I don't really think I can be blamed for "helping" you buy some gorgeous stamps, can I? really? oh, the power of blogging, lol!!
Glad you explained that it was not a cat lol.
I have never tried felting jumpers but have read a lot about people doing it....looks fun but there seems to be different ways of doing it.
Love your butterfly on the previous post.
That looks like another great charity shop find you have there - glad to hear it wasn't one of the cats!
The little character is still looking a little mischievious in the background there, like he's licking his lips after having scoffed all of those snickerdoodles!!
So naughty monkey has been naughty again will have to send him over here so he can learn some manners will be interested to see what you are up to with the felting - fun, huh!?!!
Happy crafting - God bless,
Shaz in Oz.x
Better watch out or monkey will be making a wig! At first glance I thought you had a dead critter on your desk! lol!
Susan xxox #16
I'm glad you explained the second picture; I thought Wimpey had been on an extreme diet! Loving the self-furred portraits, although I do admit to wanting to tickle them. Looking forward to seeing what happens with the felting...and I promise not to show you my catalogues & make you spend!
P.S. I think Monkey may need a visit to some form of correctional institution.
Does the little devil look tanner?
Oh I do envy you textile people - looking forward to seeing what you make with your felted cardigan.
Love sock Monkey - he looks as if he has been naughty - was it his fault do you really think?
Yep the monkey looks guilty to me - love to see what you do with your charity bargains ~ thanks for sharing ~ Nicky no.4
That Monkey! Lucky you caught him and know what caused the bulb to go out! Can't trust them! Sorry I am so late getting by this week but life happens. Vickie #148
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