Monday, April 20, 2020


Even if Mojo hadn’t deserted me in my hour of need I can’t post anything as we have huge networking problems which manifested themselves over the weekend.
I would just like  to say though a very huge Thankyou to everyone who left such kind comments on my post below about Brian. We are both truly grateful to each and everyone of you.
Have managed to write this from my iPad using my 3G sim.

Very big hugs 
To you all
Keep safe and well. 


Carol S. said...

Sorry to hear of your sad loss Valery. I have just left a message for you. We lost one of our neighbours yesterday. She had Alzheimer's and her husband was in Hospital with the virus. He came home yesterday but is still very weak. I just don't know where this is going or when it will end!!
Stay safe and keep well.
Love and big hug,
Carol S.xxxx

Kathleen said...

It never rains but what it pours. Good Luck.
Love and Hugs

Kath x

cuilliesocks said...

Oh my Valery isn't it just the way, hopefully your internet will be fixed soon,Kate x x

Michelle said...

So sorry for your sad loss Mrs A. Stay strong and stay safe - thinking of you at this sad time and I do hope your network problems get sorted - Michelle x

Jackie T said...

Dear Mrs A I am so sorry that you are having internet difficulty. That can only make these times more difficult. Take care. Hugs Jackie

brenda said...

Keep safe and well Valery-Anne.

B x

Brenda in IN said...

I look to my internet friends to cheer me with their cards when I'm feeling down so I can't imagine what I would do without it. Keep staying in and I'm sure they are hearing from everyone that it is down and hopefully working to fix it. Hugs to you.

Diane said...

Hope your internet is fixed soon Valery. Thinking of you.

Hugs Diane

Linda Simpson said...

Modern technology is wonderful until it plays up. Take care.
Linda xxx

Donna said...

Hope you are back up and running soon, enjoy your down time.

Di said...

Oh no - what next. One thing to hang onto when all looks so bleak is that Brian was blessed to have friends like you.

Stay safe!


Di xx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Hope you can get it fixed soon, Mrs. A. The internet can be a good distraction when one's heart is heavy. So sorry for everything you're gong through. Sending lots of hugs your way.

Karen McAlpine said...

See you when you are back on line. Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. Have a lovely day!

Mac Mable said...

Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs x.