Sunday, December 07, 2014

Full Up.

Oh No.
Not The Doc's Custard Tarts!!

Day 7.


Kathleen said...

Better double up on your catering in future.

Better put a lock on your underwear draw.!!!!

Kath x

Darnell said...

You really need to turn this series into a little book, Mrs. A.! You know, like the little Hallmark books that make little fun gifts for people, that you can buy at the place where peeps buy (sacrilege) greeting cards. The Mister has been taking pictures of my frog for a couple years now, thinking I would do a book for the grands, but they'll be grown men before that happens! Your elf book would be a huge hit internationally and sell like hotcakes at Christmas time. (And I'll only take half the usual commission coz we're friends!) Keep 'em coming! You are hilarious! Happy Holiday Hugs! Darnell

Margreet said...

You must give him his own things to eat....and punish him for being a little 'thief'....otherwise he never learns...I know it must be hard for you, for he is so cute!
xxx Margreet

Hettie said...

Hey you better be saving that last one for ME!! I LOVE custard tarts!!

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Eggs is the best hangover cure. Not that I ever had a hangover. The Doc told me... X

Liz said...


Peanut said...

PMSL! 'Nuff said!
x Asha

Brenda in IN said...

This is one frisky elf! I'm enjoying his little escapades every day. It is so much fun.

Lucy Blossom said...

He gets cheekier every day, goodness knows what he'll get up to next.

Carol said...

Obviously nothings safe! Carol x

Irene said...

Hello Mrs A

Couldn't agree more with Darnell a brilliant idea.


MRS DUCK said...

Hi Mrs A
He's obviously helped hims. . .elf!
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Ang x

Sandra H said...

How could you even consider eating the 4th custard tart and it being Doc's too!xx

Di said...

Not sure which I enjoy most - elf and his escapades or the crazy comments left here :) Darnell could have a point - you could make a Christmas book for the little ones next year (might need to censor it a bit though, tee, hee!!).


Di xx