Thursday, November 30, 2017

Meet The Gang

As promised here is a picture of the little perishers  'The Elves'  before they  all got parcelled off to the North Pole.

I have had an email from Santa to say they arrived safely and  are being put through their duties at the Elf Finishing Academy .

These two are already in their new homes as they got sent off first.

This is Bashful. So callled because I had a slight  mishap when  sewing his head on. When I sat him up he was facing the wrong way so he had to have minor surgery to correct the fault. He also has 'Googly ' eyes as he is in a home with adults only.

Here is  'Pushie' rather aptly named by his new owner as pushy indeed he was. Always first in the queue to choose his hair colour and leggings.

So I am now  safe in the knowledge that there are no Elves  left in the building. Boy does it feel good to know that this Christmas is going to be a nice quiet one.

No Elves are crossing this threshold.




The house has been on lock down for the past week. Even the Cat is confined  and The Doc is on litter tray duties. No one enters or leaves with out stating the pass code which I am changing every  5mins.

Oh Bliss!!

Roll on Christmas


Brenda in IN said...

These are adorable! Cute patterns for their clothes and the looks on their faces are priceless. Great job. I hope none of them hide and surprise you later! They may hear your password if they are close by.

Viv said...

Great job with these Mrs A. Hope your Christmas wish for peace and elf free comes true!!!

dutchess said...

Laughing till I fell off the sofa!.....are you sure they are not behind you? Xxxxx

Aquarius said...

I hope these gorgeous elves are working hard for Christmas and not planning to sneak back home for a rest and a mince pie!!

Mac Mable said...

Such fun and how creative are you? Love them x

Margreet said...

I love them all, Mrs A...I'm so proud owing one of your former elves....that darling Harry...he was so excited to see so many brother elves.
He wanted me to send you his best regards!
I hope you will have a 'quiet' December month.
xxx Margreet

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Oh Valery they are all super. They must have taken you ages to make.

Sue xx

Sylvia said...

They are adorable,Valery.Love them all.Such a sweet group.Very creative.

Gr,Sylvia x

Jane said...

Oh wow these are super....what fun they are. Enjoy an elf free Christmas...LOL... mine will not be

Jackie T said...

Hi Mrs A they are gorgeous and so much fun. I hope you enjoy your elf free Christmas. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Craftychris said...

They are all adorably cute! You are so clever! Enjoy an elf free Christmas without them getting into mischief! Hugs xxxxxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

These Elves are adorable and very well done, your talent is great Mrs A!!
... But their eyes (googling and not)seem really so mischievous... I'm a proud owing of one of your fabulous elves, the very sweet and quiet Arci... These seem not so... Stay tuned! Good luck for an elf free Christmas! :D :D

Ella said...

They are cute, Valery! Love them all!

cuilliesocks said...

Absolutely wonderful Valery, they are so cute and all so individual, I hope they all pass out well from the academy, Kate x

Kathleen said...

Well that has ruined my Christmas, I am going to write to Santa and tell him to send them all back, along with jemmies, stethoscopes and bits of wire to poke in the keyholes.

Kath x

Suze said...

Ha! They have their ways! I expect at least one elf being found creating havoc in the house before too long!!

Loose Stitches said...

Oh WOW Mrs A, they are absolutely adorable! Keep em' out, lol.
Hugs, Sherry x
Loose Stitches and Unraveled Threads

Mia said...

I LOVE your pretty elves, Valery! They are perfect! Kisses, my friend.

Liz said...

They are absolutely adorable, Mrs A! I can't believe that there isn't one hiding somewhere in your home. 😉 x

Karen P said...

They are gorgeous and so fun!! One day I will commission you to make one for me and one for our niece. Ours would have to be short with big eyes like me lol! Gorgeous work Mrs A you are one seriously talented lady and it's a pleasure to read your posts and see your gorgeous projects Karen x

Di said...

Bashful wants to know why he doesn't have a little star or summit on the front of his collar. I told him to turn his head round to the back! And I bet you'll still find an elf finds his way in! I love ours!


Di xx

Mrs A. said...

Bashful has a little red button all to himself cos I know you won't swallow it. Elf an safety meant the rest had to have felt ones but if he would like a pink star badge I can oblige. Hugs Mr A.

terrie said...

Adorable and you did an awesome job on making them.....thanks for sharing

Anne said...

Your post made me smile today, what a delightful gang they are!
Have a nice weekend
Anne x

Sandra H said...

l was wondering when the elves was to make an appearance so pleased they are on your blog post today xx

Unknown said...

They are fantastic and what a great job you did - I hope they all behave in their new homes.

Darnell said...

Oh, haha, how is the weather up there on Planet Delusional, Anne? Hmmmm? I know a certain rascal last year who turned himself into thin air and appeared right there next to you. Brace yourself!!!!!!!! The junior elves you have fostered all look very dashing and exuberant! You are very kind to see to their needs and then send them on to Finishing School at the NP or into their new homes! If Hammy weren't so selfish, I'd beg to have one here, but alas there is not enough room in Dodge!! Looking forward ... Hugs, Darnell

Cara said...

Oh goodness, these are just wonderful and I love all their expressions. You do make me smile x

Karenladd said...

Haha...this party of elves has me laughing to no end! I love their mischievous expressions (or did they just have too much rum in their nog?) and individualized hairdos and pants. What a lot of work this must have been..and what lucky recipients to welcome them into their homes.

Di said...

My fault for not looking properly. It doesn't show up well in the piccie but in real life it's a darling little red button - to show he lives with grownups! Love him x