Saturday, August 23, 2014

Lace Butterfly.

It's week 4 of my current Butterfly Challenge.
The theme is Summertime Butterflies.
Something a little  bit different for your inspiration.
 I made  this for  a swap quite a while ago now but never shown.
I embossed the white  card  using Sizzix 'Flourish Floral'
Coloured very lightly  using chalks in pastel pink and green.
The butterfly was created using Sizzix die 656512 cut from pale pink card.
I covered with a piece of old lace cut to the  same shape.
Body was created by  folding a tiny piece of lace into a roll and stitching on 4 small beads .
Head and antenna  were wet glued and sprinkled with pink glitter.
Small button attached to flower
 and lastly  a strip of pink ribbon added to the side .
Linking to:
Pixie's Crafty Workshop #138 as I used snippets of lace and ribbon in the making.


Margreet said... the detailed butterfly...awesome card!
xxx Margreet

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

This is really pretty, the coloured embossing is a lovely effect x

Zue said...

Just love the lacy butterfly.

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Mrs A
Very pretty with the lace and coloured embossing.
Have a great weekend.
Ang x

Unknown said...

Stunning! Love how you've made the butterfly! Such pretty colours!

Di said...

Gorgeous card Mrs A! Love your lace butterfly especially - so delicate.

Hugs, Di xx

Di said...

No idea of the sex of the baby hedgies. We're pretty sure the Daddy is a male and the Mama is a female though :)

Writing the Playground up before dashing out!

Hugs, Di xx

Brenda in IN said...

I forget about chalks but after seeing your card I need to get them out. This is so pretty with the soft coloring in chalk. I love the look of lace framing the card.

Jacee said...

How pretty, I love that butterfly, gorgeous!
Hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

Kathleen said...

Very classy and love the embossing with the lovely soft colours.

Kath x

Sandra H said...

Hi Mrs A this is simply gorgeous! x

Createology said...

Lovely lace and Summer colors with the gorgeous butterfly. Creative Butterfly Bliss...

Karen P said...

I like that, a lot! Gorgeous delicate colours and lots of lovely texture too! Karen x

Sue said...

Really pretty card Mrs A and I love that embossing..huggles Sue xx

Mrs.B said...

Hi Mrs A, this is so pretty.
Avril xx

MagsB said...

Oh so pretty! I love the soft colouring and the gorgeous butterfly!

love Mags B x

scrappymo! said...

The coloured embossing is so pretty!
A perfect perch for you butterfly.