Sunday, June 01, 2014

Blogging problems!

Finally managing to be linked up without the Internet dying on me every. 5mins. Though I still do not have my email working which links to blogger, can only see my reading list when  it feels like it and some of your blogs appearing  as a totally black screen but I am here!!  Will be around you all to comment ASAP. Till then hugs Mrs A.


Di said...

Hi Mrs A!

If you're still having internet problems just shout if you'd like me to do your linking for you!


Di xx

Sandra H said...

Good afternoon Mrs A l hope all of sorted soon take care x

Createology said...

Curses and blessings...computers! Some days my reading lists never show up and it is so frustrating with no rhyme or reason. Hope yours gets resolved quickly. Creative Bliss...

Debbie said...

Oh poor you Mrs A, nout worse than a Blogger playing up!
It's SO Anoying, hope it all gets fixed soon for you. Dx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

We have all become so dependent on our internet technology. A couple of times I have been away this year so far and really missed the contact through blogging and Facebook. Thank you for your visit and I am sure you will love playing with the Northern Lights. I learned a ot from watching Shaz last week. Have a good week and I hope your internet gets sorted out. xx Maggie

Viv said...

Nowt better than a lost internet to stress us all out! Hope you're sorted soon. x

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Have a drink!! xx